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How Do I Respond to Divorce Papers?

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When your spouse serves you with divorce papers, this makes them the plaintiff and you the defendant of the case. Even so, you still maintain a certain level of control over the case. In fact, it is in your best interest to actively participate in the case, so you can better your chances of receiving the outcome you most desire. This all starts with effectively responding to the divorce papers. So please follow along to find out how to respond to divorce papers and how one of the proficient Clarksville divorce lawyers at Fendley and Etson can help you craft a response.

How do I need to respond to divorce papers in Tennessee?

You must read through your divorce papers carefully, as soon as they land in your lap. This is so you can decipher whether or not you agree with your spouse’s disclosed statements.

If you disagree with certain paragraphs within the Divorce Complaint, then you must fill out and submit an Answer to Divorce to the Tennessee family court. This informs the judge and your spouse on what divorce-related issues must be dealt with in your upcoming divorce proceedings. Or, if you not only disagree but wish to make a counterclaim against your spouse, you must file an Answer and Counterclaim for Divorce. This tells the judge what divorce-related terms you want them to order, much like your spouse did in your initial Divorce Complaint.

With either response, you must also file a Financial Disclosure Form. Such information regarding your employment, income, expenses, assets, and debts helps the judge anticipate the financial issues that must be resolved in your case. Lastly, if your spouse has not already done so, you must file a Joint Preliminary Injunction Form. This form essentially prevents you and your spouse from hiding marital property; modifying beneficiaries on insurance policies; harassing one another; relocating your children; or otherwise committing wrongful behavior during these legal proceedings.

Why do I need to hire a lawyer for my response?

You must understand that you only have 30 days after you are served with divorce papers to respond to the Tennessee family court. You must also acknowledge that it is up to you to ensure that your spouse receives a copy of your response, and the court will not do so on your behalf. That is, you may only have three days after you respond to the court to send a copy to your spouse.

If you do not meet these deadlines, the court may rule in favor of your spouse by default. For this reason alone, you must hire a lawyer to help you deliver your response on time. So whenever you are ready, please get a hold of one of the talented Clarksville family lawyers. Someone at Fendley and Etson will be patiently awaiting your phone call.