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When charged with a serious crime, probation is almost always an attractive option. In fact, most first-time offenders are offered probation and take it. Unfortunately, the reality of how difficult it is to live under the terms of probation only becomes clear later. If you’re currently accused of a probation violation, please don’t hesitate to contact the dedicated Clarksville lawyers here at Fendley & Birch for guidance.
Are you accused of violating the terms of your probation? If so, you need a competent team of Montgomery County criminal defense lawyers in your corner who can fight to keep you out of jail. Fortunately, if you’re reading this, you are in the right place. We are on your side.
When an individual is placed on probation in Tennessee, it means they have been given a chance to serve their sentence outside of jail or prison, under certain conditions. These conditions are set by the court and are meant to ensure public safety and help the probationer reintegrate into society. Violating any of these conditions may result in a probation violation. Here are some of the common guidelines that individuals on probation in Tennessee may be required to follow:
Many people find it all too easy to violate the terms of their probation. People find themselves facing accusations that they violated the terms of their probation. Common violations include:
While it may seem like a less consequential legal proceeding than a trial, a probation violation is actually more likely to result in you going to jail. At a probation violation hearing the standard of evidence is lower than at trial. The standard is a preponderance of the evidence which is much lower than the “beyond a reasonable doubt” standard used in criminal trials. This means that it is easier for you to go to jail. If you’re accused of violating the terms of your probation, the smartest thing you can do is retain the services of a competent legal team who can effectively represent you in court and aggressively fight for your future and freedom.
Do not face a probation violation hearing without legal representation you trust to help keep you out of jail. Contact the dedicated Clarksville, Tennessee probation violation lawyers at Fendley & Birch for a free consultation today.