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What Is a Child Custody Nesting Arrangement?

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The news of your and your spouse’s divorce may come as a shock to your small child. With this, the last thing you may want is to add to this shock by uprooting them from the family home they have known all their life. Instead, you may want to do everything to keep their life as similar as possible. This initiative may start with establishing a nesting agreement in your and your spouse’s child support proceedings. Follow along to learn more about a nesting arrangement and how one of the proficient Clarksville child custody lawyers at Fendley and Birch can help you determine whether negotiating this agreement is worth it.

What is a child custody nesting arrangement for a Tennessee divorce?

Essentially, a nesting arrangement is a type of child custody that may allow your child to live in one home all the time. It is a bonus if this one home is the family home where they have done their growing up in, in which they have grown to love, and in which they have established their structure.

Ultimately, nesting is applicable if you and your spouse have settled on a joint custody arrangement. So, for example, when you are scheduled to take physical custody of your child, you may live in this one home with your child. Then, when it is your spouse’s turn to be the primary caregiver, you may live in a separate residence.

Under what circumstances does this arrangement work?

A nesting arrangement may appear to be the most ideal scenario, for the sake of your child’s stability. However, this may only be true if your and your spouse’s conditions permit it. That is, a nesting arrangement may only be properly executed under the following circumstances:

  • You and your spouse can establish health boundaries to respect private spaces within the shared home.
  • You and your spouse can establish a healthy co-parenting relationship to coordinate parenting time schedules.
  • You and your spouse can establish financial stability where you can easily afford the maintenance of three homes.
  • You and your spouse can establish chores and other responsibilities to manage the household when the other is not there.
  • You and your spouse can establish disciplinary actions and routines for your child in the household when the other is not there.
  • You and your spouse can reasonably agree to not relocate for a specified period, so your child gets the stability they were promised.
  • You and your spouse can reasonably afford separate residences close to the primary residence, in cases of emergencies or schedule shifts.

In a way, the best thing you can do to help yourself and your child is to let one of the talented Clarksville family lawyers help you. So please, as soon as you are ready, get in touch with us at Fendley and Birch.