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What Is a Violation of My Parole?

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After being found guilty of a certain criminal offense, the sentence ordered by the Tennesee criminal court may seem daunting. However, you may rest easier knowing you may not have to serve this entire sentence at a state or local correctional facility. That is, you may serve the tail-end of it while living in the community on parole. But importantly, if you were ever to violate the parameters surrounding your parole, you may get put behind bars once more. Follow along to find out what constitutes a parole violation and how one of the proficient Clarksville probation violation lawyers at Fendley and Etson can help you stay in line.

Why was I put on parole?

You must understand that parole is not a right but a privilege. So if you were put on parole, this may mean that a parole hearing officer deemed you capable of reintegrating into society without posing any threat.

Further, parole does not mean that you are granted unlimited freedom within the community. Rather, you are expected to live your life restricted by certain terms and conditions, all while under the continued supervision of a parole officer. Essentially, these restrictions are supposed to incentivize you to keep up good behavior and stay out of trouble. Then, this supervision is supposed to ensure that you can fully integrate yourself back into society in the foreseeable future.

What is considered a violation of my parole?

While under the supervision of a parole officer, you may be expected to attend mandatory, routine meetings. What’s more, you may be expected to submit to randomly scheduled drug tests, home visits, etc. During these check-ins, you do not want your parole officer to feel convinced you are seriously or persistently violating your parole. Otherwise, they may exercise their right to arrest you and return you to custody pending a revocation hearing.

For this reason, you must stay in line with your parole officer and their enforced rules. Without further ado, below are actions that may be considered in violation of your parole:

  •  You must refuse to participate in any drug or alcohol consumption.
  • You must report to your parole officer as scheduled or whenever requested by them.
  • You must abide by the curfew set forth by your parole officer.
  • You must submit to substance abuse treatment as directed by your parole officer.
  • You must surrender to mental health programs as directed by your parole officer.
  • You must make a conscious effort to find and keep an honorable job within the community.
  • You must refrain from associating with any other known criminal offenders inside or outside the community.

What you need the most is likely strong legal representation from one of the talented Montgomery County criminal defense lawyers. Someone at Fendley and Etson is looking forward to your phone call.